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Someone who has a missing tooth can often suffer from less confidence and it can also have a detrimental effect on their oral health. A Dental Implant will permanently replace one or more missing tooth without affecting the adjacent teeth.


A Dental Implant is a titanium screw specially engineered to replace the root structure of a missing tooth, inserted into your jawbone, under the gums. After the implant has fully integrated with the surrounding bone (usually 2 – 3 months), the final implant crown is added on top of the implant to give you the beautiful look, feel and chewing capability of your fully natural teeth.


Implants give you a modern and convenient alternative to traditional old plastic dentures.


Our practice offers a choice of various implant suppliers and systems. We will evaluate your precise needs and suggest the appropriate treatment plan using our 3D Cone Beam scanner and planning software.

This website is provided for general information and education purposes only. No doctor/patient relationship is established by your use of this site. No diagnosis or treatment is being provided.

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